# Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. # For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license about = Label for the About SCAYT menu option for the SCAYT feature. aboutTab = Label for the About tab of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. addWord = Label for the Add Word context menu option for the SCAYT feature. allCaps = Label for the Ignore All-Caps Words field of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. dic_create = Label for the Create button of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. dic_delete = Label for the Delete button of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. dic_field_name = Label for the Dictionary name field of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. dic_info = Dictionary information text of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. dic_rename = Label for the Rename button of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. dic_restore = Label for the Restore button of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. dictionariesTab = Label for the Dictionaries tab of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window and the menu option for SCAYT. disable = Label for the Disable SCAYT menu option for the SCAYT feature. emptyDic = Error message displayed when the SCAYT dictionary name is empty. enable = Label for the Enable SCAYT menu option for the SCAYT feature. ignore = Label for the Ignore context menu option for the SCAYT feature. ignoreAll = Label for the Ignore All context menu option for the SCAYT feature. ignoreDomainNames = Label for the Ignore Domain Names field of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. langs = Label for the Languages menu option for the SCAYT feature. languagesTab = Label for the Languages tab of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. mixedCase = Label for the Ignore Words with Mixed Case field of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. mixedWithDigits = Label for the Ignore Words with Numbers field of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. moreSuggestions = Label for the More suggestions context menu option for the SCAYT feature. opera_title = Toolbar drop-down menu tooltip for the SCAYT feature displayed to Opera users. options = optionsTab = Label for the Options tab of the Spell Check As You Type dialog window. title = Label for the Spell Check As You Type (SCAYT) dialog window. toggle =