find = Label for the Find tab and Find button of the Find and Replace dialog window. findOptions = Label for the Find Options fieldset of the Find and Replace dialog window. findWhat = Label for the Find what field of the Find and Replace dialog window. matchCase = Label for the Match Case field of the Find and Replace dialog window. matchCyclic = Label for the Match cyclic field of the Find and Replace dialog window. matchWord = Label for the Match whole word field of the Find and Replace dialog window. notFoundMsg = Error message displayed when the specified term was not found in the document. replace = Label for the Replace tab and Replace button of the Find and Replace dialog window. replaceAll = Label for the Replace All button of the Find and Replace dialog window. replaceSuccessMsg = A message stating how many occurrences of the searched term were replaced in the document. replaceWith = Label for the Replace with field of the Find and Replace dialog window. title = Label for the Find and Replace dialog window.