# Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. # For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license title = Label for the Accessibility Instructions dialog window title. contents = Instructions for closing the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.0.name = Label for the General section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.0.items.0.name = Label for the Editor Toolbar section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.0.items.0.legend = Instructions for navigating the editor toolbar displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.0.items.1.name = Label for the Editor Dialog section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.0.items.1.legend = Instructions for navigating the editor dialog windows displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.0.items.2.name = Label for the Editor Context Menu section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.0.items.2.legend = Instructions for navigating the editor context menus displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.0.items.3.name = Label for the Editor List Box section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.0.items.3.legend = Instructions for navigating the editor list boxes displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.0.items.4.name = Label for the Editor Element Path Bar section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.0.items.4.legend = Instructions for navigating the editor element path displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.name = Label for the Commands section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.0.name = Label for the Undo Command section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.0.legend = Keyboard shortcut instructions for the Undo command displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.1.name = Label for the Redo Command section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.1.legend = Keyboard shortcut instructions for the Redo command displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.2.name = Label for the Bold Command section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.2.legend = Keyboard shortcut instructions for the Bold command displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.3.name = Label for the Italic Command section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.3.legend = Keyboard shortcut instructions for the Italic command displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.4.name = Label for the Underline Command section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.4.legend = Keyboard shortcut instructions for the Underline command displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.5.name = Label for the Link Command section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.5.legend = Keyboard shortcut instructions for the Link command displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.6.name = Label for the Toolbar Collapse Command section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.6.legend = Keyboard shortcut instructions for the Toolbar Collapse command displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.7.name = Label for the Access Previous Focus Space Command section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.7.legend = Keyboard shortcut instructions for the Access Previous Focus Space command displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.8.name = Label for the Access Next Focus Space Command section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.8.legend = Keyboard shortcut instructions for the Access Next Focus Space command displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.9.name = Label for the Accessibility Help section of the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. legend.1.items.9.legend = Keyboard shortcut instructions for the Accessibility Help command displayed in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window. backspace = The label for the "Backspace" key. tab = The label for the "Tab" key. enter = The label for the "Enter" key. shift = The label for the "Shift" key. ctrl = The label for the "Ctrl" key. alt = The label for the "Alt" key. pause = The label for the "Pause" key. capslock = The label for the "Caps Lock" key. escape = The label for the "Escape" key. pageUp = The label for the "Page Up" key. pageDown = The label for the "Page Down" key. end = The label for the "End" key. home = The label for the "Home" key. leftArrow = The label for the "Left Arrow" key. upArrow = The label for the "Up Arrow" key. rightArrow = The label for the "Right Arrow" key. downArrow = The label for the "Down Arrow" key. insert = The label for the "Insert" key. delete = The label for the "Delete" key. leftWindowKey = The label for the "Left Windows" key. rightWindowKey = The label for the "Right Windows" key. selectKey = The label for the "Select" key. numpad0 = The label for the "Numpad 0" key. numpad1 = The label for the "Numpad 1" key. numpad2 = The label for the "Numpad 2" key. numpad3 = The label for the "Numpad 3" key. numpad4 = The label for the "Numpad 4" key. numpad5 = The label for the "Numpad 5" key. numpad6 = The label for the "Numpad 6" key. numpad7 = The label for the "Numpad 7" key. numpad8 = The label for the "Numpad 8" key. numpad9 = The label for the "Numpad 9" key. multiply = The label for the "Multiply" (*) key. add = The label for the "Add" (+) key. subtract = The label for the "Subtract" (-) key. decimalPoint = The label for the "Decimal Point" (.) key. divide = The label for the "Divide" (/) key. f1 = The label for the "F1" key. f2 = The label for the "F2" key. f3 = The label for the "F3" key. f4 = The label for the "F4" key. f5 = The label for the "F5" key. f6 = The label for the "F6" key. f7 = The label for the "F7" key. f8 = The label for the "F8" key. f9 = The label for the "F9" key. f10 = The label for the "F10" key. f11 = The label for the "F11" key. f12 = The label for the "F12" key. numLock = The label for the "Num Lock" key. scrollLock = The label for the "Scroll Lock" key. semiColon = The label for the "Semicolon" (;) key. equalSign = The label for the "Equal Sign" (=) key. comma = The label for the "Comma" (,) key. dash = The label for the "Dash" (-) key. period = The label for the "Period" (.) key. forwardSlash = The label for the "for theward Slash" (/) key. graveAccent = The label for the "Grave Accent" (`) key. openBracket = The label for the "Open Bracket" ([) key. backSlash = The label for the "Backslash" (\) key. closeBracket = The label for the "Close Bracket" (]) key. singleQuote = The label for the "Single Quote" (') key.