# Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. # For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license editor = ARIA description for the editor. editorPanel = common.editorHelp = common.browseServer = Button label for the file browser. common.url = Label for the URL field of a dialog window. common.protocol = Label for the Protocol field of the Link dialog window. common.upload = Label for the Upload field of the Link dialog window. common.uploadSubmit = Label for the button that uploads the file to the server. common.image = Toolbar button tooltip for the Image feature. common.flash = Toolbar button tooltip for the Flash feature. common.form = Toolbar button tooltip for the Form feature. common.checkbox = Toolbar button tooltip for the Checkbox feature. common.radio = Toolbar button tooltip for the Radio Button feature. common.textField = Toolbar button tooltip for the Text Field feature. common.textarea = Toolbar button tooltip for the Textarea feature. common.hiddenField = Toolbar button tooltip for the Hidden Field feature. common.button = Toolbar button tooltip for the Button feature. common.select = Toolbar button tooltip for the Selection Field feature. common.imageButton = Toolbar button tooltip for the Image Button feature. common.notSet = Label displayed when a particular dialog window field does not have any value set. common.id = Label for the ID field of a dialog window. common.name = Label for the Name field of a dialog window. common.langDir = Label for the Language Direction field of a dialog window. common.langDirLtr = Left to Right (LTR) language direction option text. common.langDirRtl = Right to Left (RTL) language direction option text. common.langCode = Label for the Language Code field of a dialog window. common.longDescr = Label for the Long Description URL field of a dialog window. common.cssClass = Label for the Stylesheet Classes field of a dialog window. common.advisoryTitle = Label for the Advisory Title field of a dialog window. common.cssStyle = Label for the Style field of a dialog window. common.ok = Label for the OK button of a dialog window. common.cancel = Label for the Cancel button of a dialog window. common.close = Tooltip for the Close icon of a dialog window. common.preview = Label for the Preview field of a dialog window. common.resize = Toolbar button tooltip for the Resize feature that resizes the editor interface. common.generalTab = Label for the General tab of a dialog window. common.advancedTab = Label for the Advanced tab of a dialog window. common.validateNumberFailed = Error message displayed when a non-numeric value is entered in a field that only accepts numbers. common.confirmNewPage = Error message displayed when a user attempts to load a new page without saving previously entered content. common.confirmCancel = Error message displayed when a user attempts to close a dialog window without accepting the changes. common.options = Label for the Options menu item. common.target = Label for the Target field of a dialog window. common.targetNew = New Window (_blank) target option text. common.targetTop = Topmost Window (_top) target option text. common.targetSelf = Same Window (_self) target option text. common.targetParent = Parent Window (_parent) target option text. common.langDirLTR = Left to Right (LTR) language direction option text. common.langDirRTL = Right to Left (RTL) language direction option text. common.styles = Label for the Style field of a dialog window. common.cssClasses = Label for the Stylesheet Classes field of a dialog window. common.width = Label for the Width field of a dialog window. common.height = Label for the Height field of a dialog window. common.align = Label for the Alignment field of a dialog window. common.alignLeft = Left alignment option text. common.alignRight = Right alignment option text. common.alignCenter = Center alignment option text. common.alignJustify = Justify alignment option text. common.alignTop = Top alignment option text. common.alignMiddle = Middle alignment option text. common.alignBottom = Bottom alignment option text. common.alignNone = No alignment option text. common.invalidValue = Error message displayed to the user when a dialog window field contains an invalid value. common.invalidHeight = Error message displayed to the user when the specified height value is invalid. common.invalidWidth = Error message displayed to the user when the specified width value is invalid. common.invalidCssLength = Error message displayed to the user when the specified length value is not a valid CSS measurement unit. common.invalidHtmlLength = Error message displayed to the user when the specified length value is not a valid HTML measurement unit. common.invalidInlineStyle = Error message displayed to the user when the specified style value is not a valid CSS declaration. common.cssLengthTooltip = Tooltip displayed for the Width and Height fields in the Table Properties dialog window explaining the correct format of these length values. common.unavailable =